Wednesday, June 18, 2014

5x5 Challenge : Day 6 | HAPPY PLACE

Here is a bathroom. It's not my bathroom, but I do intend to take a shower there one day. It's so pretty. I feel like I'm in a fancy hotel when I'm in this bathroom. The kind of hotel that you're pretty sure you could live in. Yes, you'd miss having a kitchen and the constantly changing neighbors would start to really annoy you, but the bathroom amenities make you so happy that you could probably get over all of the troublesome stuff. Pretty, well-organized spaces make me happy. 

My hairbrush makes me happy, too. It's bright yellow with a big oval-shaped head and a smooth rubber grip. I apparently don't clean it out as often as I thought I did. Can you spot the lint? My brush used to belong to my sister but she left it at my mom and dad's house when we were all there for Christmas and I asked her if I could keep it. That's how much I liked it. I'm still talking about a hairbrush.

Step 1. 

Step 2. 
It's that easy. Just chop it in half. Et voila! You're half as needy as you were a few weeks ago! Isn't science grand?

And since this post turned out to be a bit of a caption-fest, can we just talk about the name of this toothpaste? This is something else that makes me happy -- or at least makes me smile. And then I'm smiling, so that sets off all of those happy hormones they talk about and before you know it my toothpaste is making me happy. Science.

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