Sunday, June 22, 2014

5x5 Challenge : Day 8 | Back to work

"You are seen. You are heard. And if you weren't here the world would be different."
 - Elena Brower

I suppose it could be said that this single quote sums up my experience at Wanderlust this weekend. But I suppose that would be an oversimplification. I suppose all summations are overly simplified versions of the thing they're meant to describe. But it is accurate to say that this quote makes me feel simply amazing. 

Do you feel it, too? Can you read those words and feel them to your core? Can you listen to the message of these words without judgement - of yourself or the person saying them to you? I heard myself judging right after I felt amazing. I'm thankful that the feeling came before the judging and now I'm wondering how I can stop at the feeling... to let it in and around and out and be, just be amazing.

Kind of like these two creatures. Amazing. 


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