Sunday, October 14, 2007

uh... hello? anyone home?

man, it's been a while. how long will it take for jon to notice that i'm writing again? and why am writing here, exactly? i guess because it feels liberating. i'm not worried about writing something terrible because i'm pretty sure nobody is reading this and i'm not super attached to any outcome associated with it. maybe that's how i need to feel about all of my writing projects.

i think it's time to come up with a true mission for this blog. what's the point? musings? ramblings? idle chatter? verbal spew? i chose the name because i like to express my views of the world (as it were) from my unique perspective, which often seems to be a little bit sideways. or because i love looking at people with that sideways glance that says, "hey, are you seeing what i'm seeing?" or, "hey, are you seriously wearing that?"

the mission will emerge. i have faith. but it's not coming to me at 10:15 sunday morning. i think i need some breakfast first.
